Top customer 'in-ground trampoline' photos of 2018

There's nothing we love more than seeing our happy customers enjoying their trampolines. Here's our top picks so far this summer.. enjoy!
Thank you for this fantastic photo @gymnast.minnie - what a jump! The best bit about this photo was that @gymnast.minnie posted this whilst away on holiday as she was missing using it! Minnie is a young gymnast who uses her CP in ground trampoline for daily training.
This smile just makes our hearts melt :) We received this photo of the gorgeous 3 year old 'Tony Bear' enjoying his newly installed in ground trampoline. Tony had a particularly bad start in life and had both his legs amputated below the knee following a horrific case of child abuse. Tony's adopted mother contacted Capital Play to supply and install a flush to ground and easily accessible in ground trampoline which could be used by her other children and little Tony Bear.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this fab photo! This was taken the moment our customer came home to see his freshly installed in-ground trampoline. We can't decide who is more excited, dad or the kids!
Continuing on the Dad theme, this happy customer but he seems pretty excited with his new toy - we just hope he let's the kids have a go too!
USA - it's great to hear from you! Having launched our Capital In-grounds in the USA late 2017 it's lovely to receive photos from our happy American customers - especially when they're as cute as this little guy!
Ok so normally we would like to see our trampolines pride of place, however what we like about this customer photo is you can barely see the trampoline! Looks like this customer has struck the perfect balance of a formal 'grown-up' area and discreet but super fun sunken trampoline for the kids at the end! Proving a Capital trampoline is a great choice for a backyard with limited space.
Double trouble! What a cute picture of our customers' twins trying out their brand new ground trampoline. That's double the fun for this family, wonder if Mum and Dad have had a go yet too? (We know you have ;)