In-ground trampolines benefit adults and children with special needs

In-ground trampolines have some obvious benefits for children and adults with special needs in particular those with restricted movement who would find climbing in and out of a traditional trampoline enclosure extremely difficult. This obstacle is eliminated with an in-ground trampoline as they are flush to the floor and so there is no need to climb a ladder to get onto the trampoline and into an enclosure and subsequently there is nothing to fall off.
Freedom to play and move unaided is often something that children and adults with special needs can be restricted on when participating in many physical activities. In-ground trampolines can go some way towards offering more scope for unassisted play as there is no need for a carer to assist in getting on and off a trampoline.
Aided Play and Exercise
The flush-to-ground design also makes it easy for carers, parents or health professionals to hold on to participants, if necessary, when bouncing, again without the need to lift through an enclosure and then struggle back down again.
Strengthen Muscle Tone and Enhance Co-ordination
In-ground, or sunken trampolines also offer great physio benefits for those with low muscle tone who need to maintain/build their core strength. This is because trampolines encourage the participant to constantly correct their balance when jumping and landing, this also helps with co-ordination which has been linked to learning and neurological development. This is also true on a more subtle basis, for those sitting on the bounce mat as the body needs to gently work at keeping balanced therefore encouraging muscle tone and strength.
Sensory Needs
Special need schools and day centres have reported on how this trampoline has great benefits for autistic children and adults with heightened sensory needs. Bouncing on the trampoline can be very a very stimulating piece of play equipment for these individuals.
Also from a sensory perspective, in-ground trampolines have wonderful benefits for those with extreme limited movement as sitting or lying on the trampoline can still produce movement akin to a floating sensation. It can also be used as a safe play surface as those with severe limited movement can lie down and create some form of movement, however slight.
For more information on in-ground trampolines, please visit or to discuss any of the subjects mentioned here please call 01276 855600.