Gymnastics training on a trampoline at home

During this time of isolation due to the Corona Virus Gymnasts and Trampolinists are bringing their training regimes home.
@what.lyra.did is a Gymnast and Diver on the UK Talent Team, she finds her trampoline improves her power and core strength which is critical for diving. Her trampoline has enabled her and her sister to increase their gym skills and link those skills together due to the length of the trampoline; even her little brother has nearly learnt his front flip.
@gymnast.minnie is part of the UK Junior Acrobatic Squad and uses her trampoline to increase strength and power and to practise her routines on.
@maui2512 three children use their in-ground trampoline all the time for practising.
'Never have I been happier to have bought my in-ground trampoline. With gym closed, my girls (who normally train around 20 hours/week) need it more than ever to help maintain their fitness's already the best 'cost per use' of any toy I've bought and that's going to increase exponentially in the next month(s)'.